4 Signs that Reaffirm that the Law of Attraction Works

These signs are soulful signs that the Universe is working on your request and it is about to manifest soon.

  1. You see recurring patterns of numbers

Whenever you look, you see special numerical sequences. Have you noticed that when you see the time it is 11:11 or you are driving someplace and the car in front of you has a license plate that reads 1122? You might see such recurring patterns everywhere you look. If this is happening too often, what you are really seeing are Angel numbers.

These symmetrical synchronous numbers are signs – a communication from the Universe that your reality is shifting towards equilibrium and is in the process of manifesting your wishes.

  1. Your intuition is bang on – every single time

Another sign of alignment and the Law of Attraction at work is an extremely heightened intuition. You start to complete people’s sentences or be able to predict what will happen in the near future. What is happening that your inner eye is able to grasp more of what’s part of the big picture as your vibrational frequencies are aligning themselves and tuning in with the new reality that is just around the corner.

  1. You suddenly become a money magnet

The Universe tries to make you a partner in its abundance. The Law of Attraction makes you a money magnet. You suddenly tend to find money while walking down the streets, you inherit money or experience a windfall in another way.

  1. Your sleep is deeper and your dreams are more vivid

Once you put your faith in the Universe, you will start to sleep easier and your subconscious mind will be well-rested and bring about beautiful dreams.

Remember to thank the Universe for its bounty and for working in mysterious ways to make your request manifest.

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