The Secret to Manifesting Money Immediately

Every day you struggle to make ends meet – you work two jobs, you moonlight on weekends but you just continue getting calls from creditors asking you to pay up. If you are constantly facing a shortage you know that you to manifest money.

How are you going to do that? If you’ve read ‘the Secret’ you know that the Law of Attraction can be a powerful way of attaining a sound financial standing. While, affirmations and visualizations are all good, they often fall short when you need money immediately.

Here are three little-known secrets we are going to share with you today:

  1. The scent of money

Inhale the sweet scent of money. Well, it may not be sweet but money does have quite a distinct scent.

But what will you gain simply by smelling it? Smelling money will align you with the vibrational frequency of money. It helps you bond better with money and become one with it.

Now, put the Law of Attraction to work and think that the money you are smelling is already a part of the enormous reserves you have. It is wealth that you already have is what you are smelling.

  1. Tell it you love it

While this might sound like something Scrooge McDuck would do, you need to tell your money that you love it.

Your emotions and feelings are absorbed by everything around you and so it is with money too. If you constantly ‘tell’ your money that you fear losing it, you ate paying your bills or how it doesn’t help you travel/do the things you like, your money is going to start believing it.

Tell your money every day that it is the most beautiful thing. Compliment it for the useful things it helps you buy, for the roof over your head that money affords…

  1. Approach it with playfulness

Describe your relationship with money. Now think about how your relationship would (just like it is with another human being or pet) if you brought in an element of playfulness to your relationship.

Look at your money with childlike wonder and think about the simple needs you had as a child when you weren’t worrying about earning more and more money. This experiment with a playful approach could help you manifest money in ways that you did not previously think were possible.

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