Tap into the Power of Affirmations

What is an affirmation?

It is a positive statement that defines a desired outcome, and is usually repeated, until it is firmly embossed into the subconsciousness.

Using affirmations can be a great way to jump your subconscious mind to strive towards a particular goal, in order to make your positive statement manifest.

The working knowledge of how to use affirmations can be a great plus to achieve success and improve your life.

If your run a mental reel of negative thoughts and statements like “I can’t do this” or “This is going to be very difficult”, then our thoughts create undesirable situations because our subconscious mind believes them to be true.

Affirmations and creative visualization

Your words and thoughts program your mind not much unlike the commands that run your computer. Repeating positive statements will help you focus your mind on your objective. This can also be connected with your conscious mind through strong mental images. The process of creative visualization works on this principle.

The conscious mind or the thinking mind begins with this process and hands the baton over to the subconscious mind.

Affirmations are, in effect, a conscious process which focuses your intent to train your subconscious mind, which in turn, influences your behavioral pattern to reshape your life. The time taken for a goal to manifest will depend on how strong your desire is.

Using affirmations

The ideal affirmation is short and crisp. They need to be repeated at regular intervals to be firmly impressed upon the mind. Ideally 5-10 minutes daily.

One must ensure that they are as relaxed as possible when saying affirmations and not engaged in anything important.

Have faith in what you are saying and choose positive words to bring positive results. For example, use constructive words like “I am getting up on time” instead of “I am not late”.

Always affirm in the present tense instead of the future tense. This will trick your subconscious mind into making reality match your statement.

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