Self-Discipline in Times of Social Pressure

Working in a team

Social pressure is one of the biggest drivers of self discipline. If that seems hard to believe think about those who join the armed forces. They cultivate discipline because they want to help their team to conquer over the enemy. Their loyalty towards their teammates is at the forefront of their actions.  They strive towards a cause that’s greater than themselves. If they don’t practice self discipline to work cohesively they will not be able to be of service to themselves or others.

This is exactly how team projects work in companies. People work in groups for the greater good and achieve what they set out to together. The social pressure eggs them to work harder and better.

Self discipline and emotions

If you are a real estate agent, it is quite possible that you find it hard to stay disciplined. This is because you are only working to serve yourself and there is no cause that’s greater than yourself – you need to believe in something that brings forth strong emotions in you in order to stay focused and disciplined. If nobody cares about your cause, or whether you make money on your deals, slowly it is going to erode the need for self discipline within yourself.

What we mean is that money is not enough motivation for self discipline. This is the sole reason people live with huge credit bills today and there are entire countries who are in international debt.

Caring enough

You need to care enough if you want to inculcate self discipline in yourself or your children. If no one cares about what you are doing, you are going to slack off, because maybe it is really not that important.

Any goal in life needs to be approached with much more motivation than mere personal gain. Think about what you feel strongly about? What will stimulate you on an emotional level? How can you incorporate that into your projects? This is the path to self discipline.

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