How to Discover Your Passion

One of the most important facets of goal setting is the need to follow your passions. Doing what you love will help you achieve success. But what is passion? Can you say that spending hours in front of the TV to watch the entire season of the game is passion or is it getting out there and cracking some records?

Basically, passion has to be something that you will need to work exceptionally hard to achieve. So how do you know what you are truly passionate about?

Let’s start with an analysis

Career guidance and goal setting plans will usually involve assessing your current skill set and personality type t help you find your passion. This may complicate matters further because people don’t always fit into one clear category. Taking tests and answering questionnaires can be overtly simplifying the essentials. More often than not people don’t know what they want till they actually see it.

So, what you should be doing is trying a plethora of different activities across the board to discover your passion.

Overcoming obstacles

The biggest obstacle that you need to overcome is having a narrowed vision of what you are capable of. The only way to change that is by casting a wide net beyond what is safe and in the realm of the known.

Experimentation is key in helping you find something that inspires you. Experimenting means you dabble in something for at least six months. While this time is not sufficient to become good at something, it will help get you over the learning curve.

If you are yet to find your passion, the easiest way to start is by dabbling. Find new activities to fuel you till you find the right fit.

Experience randomness

Break out of your cycle, do random things more often. Dabbling in experiences is of equal value to dabbling in activities. Get out there and meet more people, listen to alternative music and read books that you wouldn’t normally pick.

Continue dabbling

Experimentation is a continuous process. While you should focus on one goal, keep experimenting with different things. If nothing else, you will never be bored and have a wealth of experience.

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