How to Cultivate an “I Can” Attitude

We are our best friend, client and patron. After all, you should be the first person to believe in yourself or how could you expect others to? Often, we are self-saboteurs when it comes to keeping the faith and motivation it takes to dealing with life and overcoming obstacles in a positive way.

Self confidence and faith

The one thing you can do about this is to keep your self confidence flying at full mast. While definitely easier to say than to practice, sometimes you will surely feel that the entire world is plotting against you. More often than not, it is simply being overwhelmed due to responsibility and pressure. For example, if you had huge task that you could chip away at, you could feel like it’s manageable. But imagine if you had to keep several balls in the air. How would it affect you while you are scaling a stress mountain? Would you still be able to keep the faith?

The “I Can” attitude

Firstly, you should always retain your sense of pride in the person you are. You may have been a very different person in the past, but today you are you. And to quote Dr. Seuss – no one is youer than you. So have pride in your identity, in the obstacles and struggles that have molded you. While there are other people who features in the scene, you are the hero/heroine of your own play.  You are totally and completely responsible for your actions and the reality that you create. The best way to cultivate that “I can” attitude is by being confident in yourself, knowing your capabilities and appreciating your journey from what you were to where you are now.

Maintaining your attitude

To maintain your attitude and values when dealing with life, bank upon integrity.  Always have a clear conscience, do the right thing even when you know you won’t be caught. This is because you are only answerable to yourself. How will you believe in yourself if you know that you aren’t always entirely truthful?

Skyrocket your self confidence

The other way to sustain your “I can” attitude is through self-talk and self-motivation. Thinking positively can go a long way in clearing mental roadblocks and giving you the motivation to make the impossible I’m-possible.

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