Giving Your Power Away: How to Reclaim It

In our lives, there is quite a likelihood that we become victims of chance or of circumstance – in such situation we give power away without even realizing it. Think about the times when you felt that the relationships in your life were not emotionally satisfying, our social life is not as happening as would like it to be or we are not in the place in our career that we deserve.

The sad thing is every time we do this – we relinquish our power and commit self sabotage. This becomes a habit where we do it to every aspect of your lives and it turns into a cycle of disempowerment. What we fail to see if that these thoughts make us feel powerless. And when we experience powerlessness, we tend to spiral into negative feelings that affirm and reaffirm this negative feeling.

Here are some signs you are giving power away and tips on what to do to reclaim your power.

  1. An addiction

An addiction to anything – be it foods, technology or even a TV show – results in us giving power away to that external entity. We allow that entity to take the reins and control our behavioral patterns over and over again. The feeling that grips us if we cannot get our fix of that thing is something that keeps us going back for more and in effect, enslaves us.

If you suffer from an addition, the first step is to recognize it and only then can you seek help to remedy it.

  1. Repetitive patterns in relationships

Many a times, we hear people lament that they feel like they are dating the same person over and over again. Why is it that you keep seeking the same kind of person? Why do all your relationships undergo the same phase of blame, anger and bitterness? This is because you are trapped in relationships where you think you need another person to give you a certain something.

Understand that happiness and fulfillment cannot come from another person. It is within you to claim that power and maintain a healthy balance in your relationships.

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