What’s Your Inner Career Tag?

Playing the Career Game

As adults we may have forgotten that we play a game of tag every day of our lives. A good job is just as enjoyable as the game we liked as children. In the career game, we’re IT. This positive article talks about the career motivation we need to see that we are in a job where we are doing the things we love and not really dragging through the day for a paycheck.

Gaining headway through a SWOT analysis

The best way to really understand where you are heading is to do regular SWOT analyses. Maybe on a yearly or even a six-monthly basis. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your opportunities and threats that will stop you from achieving them?

Once you have done a SWOT analysis you will know what differentiates you from others. What is your inner IT that makes you special? Hold on to this thought while you consider how you are an asset to your company because you will need this information for the next step.

Turn the tables

Most employees find it hard to stay motivated at work in the present scenario where companies are forever trying to instill fear in their hearts. If you don’t put in those extra hours then you are in danger of missing out on the corner office and the list continues.

Now it is time to turn the tables. If you have to reverse the roles what can you claim is your asset that companies will fear losing out on if you’re gone? Make a list of these things to really analyze yourself. This can be a really powerful exercise that can change your perspective and guide you towards a clear career path.

Determine your calling

Doing this exercise will also allow you to take a step back towards recognizing your true calling. What’s your IT? This will decide your game plan for the future.

Play tag. Start thinking. Start focusing on the IT. Realize and achieve.

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