Tap into the Power of Your Navel Chakra with these Visualizations

Our navel chakra is the direct link to the energies of all other life forms on this planet.  When our navel chakras are fully open and spinning at optimum speed, our awareness of the world around us and our infinite connection to the universe is heightened.

With the coming of higher ascension energies to this planet, this chakra is attuning itself with higher vibrational energy levels. This will bring together all the beings on Earth into a communal gathering with love, trust and respect. People from all walks of life will collaborate for the greater good and see what’s best in each other.

Archangel Gabriel is associated with these ascension energies and the navel chakra. This angel can also assist us in opening up the chakra to spin it at a fifth-dimensional frequency so we can experience our divine purpose and tap into our collective consciousness. Pray to Archangel Gabriel to help you overcome any chakra blockages or refer to the visualization exercises given below:


To open up the navel chakra, do these two simple exercises:


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